The User-friendly Dashboard
ClockWatcher is a cost competitive system and the software opens onto a user-friendly dashboard giving access to key management information to operators instantly, which is why we recommend it.
The information is a click away and is colour coded to make it easier to use with the Key features of
• Driver Debrief – this module allows for accurate recording of your debriefs with drivers, and stores historical records for easy reference
• Traffic Light Indicators for Driver Card and VU Downloads
• KPI Reporting – configure your KPI reports to highlight priority areas
• VU Analysis – speed and mileage reports are included
• Graduated Fixed Penalties – this enables the user to identify the potential financial penalties involved
• Agency Drivers – Automatic shift selection of agency drivers based on your vehicle registrations
• Digital signature system, operators are able to manage infringement records more
efficiently, with all the documentation securelystored within ClockWatcher.
• Reporting – a full and comprehensive reporting suite
For ease of management the system:
• Categorises all the documents based on their status
• Clearly highlights if further actions are required,
• Helps you the operator track what drivers are doing
• Enables proactive management for your their compliance responsibilities
• Records are readily available for inspection at the touch of a button, from any site
• Saves money on printing and storage costs
• Reduces the administrative burden associated with managing reams of paper records
In other words a simple way to retrieve and manage your drivers hours and manage driver infringements.
A 28 day free trial is available please email to get started
Make it easy to keep track of your Drivers Hours and use ClockWatcherMr. Editor